Beardsley Park
The National Night Out community-wide celebration took place in Beardsley Park on August 7, 2018, from 5:00 – 7:00 pm. Nearly 150 people packed the park to enjoy music, free plants, a bounce house, and face painting. Be Smart was on hand to discuss gun safety with attendees. The event was hosted by the Champaign Park District in partnership with the Beardsley Park Neighborhood Association and the Neighborhood Services Department. Staff from the Public Works Department set up a booth to gather input from attendees on the Boneyard Creek improvements. Members of the Beardsley Park Neighborhood Association grilled hamburgers and hot dogs for guests and gave away school supplies to all the children in attendance. The association also arranged for a balloon artist from The Unique Twist to provide balloon animals to the children. DJ Fireproof engaged everyone with interactive dance contests, trivia games, and a litter pick up contest at the end of the evening.
Garden Hills Park
The United Garden Hills Neighborhood Association also held a neighborhood based National Night Out event in Garden Hills Park. Carle Foundation Hospital was on site with their new Mobile Health Clinic to demonstrate the services they will be providing in the upcoming months. In addition, Ameren representatives were present to discuss energy efficiency incentives they are currently offering and hand out complimentary LED light bulbs. The association provided back to school backpacks with school supplies for children, and chili-cheese-nachos for everyone to enjoy. In addition, the association arranged for Cool Bliss/Popped Bliss to provide shaved ice to all attendees and DJ Ralph Russell played a variety of popular tunes.
Champaign Police, Fire, and Neighborhood Services staff were present at both events to provide information and discuss programs and services offered to the community. Both the Beardsley Park Neighborhood Association and the United Garden Hills Neighborhood Association utilized neighborhood small grant funds to ensure the events were a success.
To see photos of the event, visit the City’s Facebook page.