(Between Glenn Park Drive and Springer Drive)
To construct storm sewer and pavement repairs, Duce Construction will close one northbound lane and one southbound lane of Mattis Avenue, between Glenn Park Drive and Springer Drive. First, northbound Mattis Avenue traffic will be merged into a single lane through a short construction work zone. This work should be complete midmorning. After the northbound work is complete, traffic control will be moved to the southbound lane. Southbound Mattis Avenue traffic will be merged into a single lane through a short construction work zone. Work is scheduled to begin Wednesday, March 14 at 7:00 a.m. Work should be complete, and all lanes reopened to traffic by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 15. Minor traffic delays may occur.
This work is weather dependent and may be delayed in the event of inclement weather. The City appreciates the cooperation of travelers in the area and encourages caution when traveling through work zones.