The Neighborhood Coordination Division of the Neighborhood Services Department sponsored a local contingent of 19 to attend the 2017 Regional Neighborhood Network Conference (RNNC) in Evansville, Indiana. The conference lasted three days from October 5 – 7. The group included Champaign and Urbana neighborhood group leaders, members of the 2016 RNNC local planning committee, volunteers from the 2016 RNNC event held in Champaign-Urbana, members of the Neighborhood Services Advisory Board, and staff from the Cities of Champaign and Urbana. Budget savings from the 2016 RNNC allowed staff to charter a bus for the three-day conference, cover the cost of registrations, and provide a group lunch.
Attendees agreed that the overall conference experience was great. Workshops and keynote speakers gave attendees fresh ideas to take home to their neighborhoods and local police departments. The 2017 RNNC had 302 attendees.