Neighborhood Coordination staff wrapped up the second year of the Champaign City Government 101 Academy with a reception and graduation ceremony on December 6. During the 2016 Champaign City Government 101 Academy, 35 students preregistered to participate and 21 of the students completed the necessary requirements to graduate from the Academy. Requirements for graduation included attending a minimum of 8 out of 12 classes. This is a significant commitment on the part of the students to learn about the operations of the City of Champaign by attending 12 classes during a two-month period.
The Academy provides an opportunity to educate the public about the organization and operation of the City of Champaign, and to promote civic engagement. The Academy covers numerous topics, including public safety, infrastructure maintenance, Council-Manager government, neighborhood programs, planning, economic development, and more. After attending the Academy, participants have a better understanding of the complexities of operating a municipal government and what goes on behind the scenes to support Champaign’s high quality, essential public services. Champaign City Government 101 Academy graduates were recognized at a reception that provided an opportunity to network with Executive Management Staff and City Council members, prior to being formally recognized for their accomplishments at a ceremony during the December 6 City Council meeting.