Media Contact: Sgt. Geoff Coon | 217-403-6934 | [email protected]
Over the Labor Day holiday, the Champaign Police Department participated in the national Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over and the Click It or Ticket traffic safety campaigns. The local effort was part of a nationwide campaign in partnership with the Illinois Department of Transportation, the Illinois State Police, and law enforcement agencies across Illinois to help deter the number of impaired drivers during Labor Day celebrations.
The increase in holiday celebrations very unfortunately also increases the number of drunk-driving related crashes. The zero tolerance campaign seeks to help eliminate those numbers through education and increased traffic enforcement.
During the campaign, officers from the Champaign Police Department issued the following number of citations:
- Seatbelt Citations – 9
- Operating Uninsured Motor Vehicle – 3
- Cell Phone Citations – 3
- Driving with a Suspended License – 2
- Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol – 1
- Disobeying a Traffic Control Device – 1
Champaign Police reminds motorists to always wear a seatbelt and to help keep our roads safe by steering away from drinking and driving.
“Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” is a partnership with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and is administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), who supports the efforts through federal traffic safety funds. For more information, visit