Kerri Spear, Neighborhood Programs Manager, gave a presentation to the Board of Commissioners at the Housing Authority of Champaign County on September 24, 2015. Ms. Spear provided the commissioners with an update on the Bristol Place Redevelopment. Ms. Spear also discussed the Bristol Place Phase II developer selection process.
Ms. Spear explained that the city is entering into the second year of the estimated three-year Bristol Place Phase I activities timeline which includes acquisition, demolition and relocation. Phase II will include the redevelopment of the site for future housing, park and community space and will build off the Bristol Place Phase II LEED-ND Master Plan that was created in 2014.
The City of Champaign has created a subcommittee to help create the developer request for qualification criteria. The subcommittee is composed of community leaders, residents from the Bristol Park, Garwood and Beardsley Park neighborhoods, representatives from the Champaign Park District, Human Kinetics, and our partner agency in the project, the Housing Authority of Champaign County, as well as City of Champaign staff. Ms. Spear discussed items the subcommittee will identify when considering the qualifications for the development.
Approval was given by The Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of Champaign County to open the waiting list for Housing Choice vouchers (formerly Section 8) to persons that have been involuntarily displaced from their permanent residence by a Federal, State, or Local government action in Champaign County IL. Neighborhood Services staff will encourage residents in Bristol Place that are eligible for relocation to apply for the Housing Choice vouchers. Applications will be accepted from September 24, 2015 through December 31, 2015.