In the last four days, there have been over 25 reported motor vehicle burglaries in Champaign. The majority of these incidents have occurred around Southwest Champaign and most-to-all of these incidents were unlocked vehicles. Police encourage citizens to be more aware and offer the following tips to help protect your valuables:
- Lock vehicle doors and take the keys with you when not in use, even in your driveway
- Don’t leave vehicles running unoccupied
- Don’t leave unattended personal belongings in plain sight inside your vehicle, no matter where it is parked
- Install alarms and/or “kill switch” devices in vehicles
- Mount CB radios, tape players and other radio equipment so it can be removed and locked in your trunk
- Don’t leave mail in vehicle with the address label visible
- At night, always park your vehicle in a well-lit and visible place
- If you are the victim of a motor vehicle burglary, call the Police immediately to help the investigation process. Call Champaign Police at 217-351-4545
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