Midwest Engineering and Testing, Inc. has provided the 23rd Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report for the Champaign-Urbana Solid Waste Disposal System (CUSWDS) for 2014. This report covers groundwater-monitoring activities at the Urbana Landfill Complex from January through December 2014. Glasford Formation monitoring wells were sampled and the groundwater samples analyzed for a suite of thirteen (15) parameters during the Second and Fourth Quarters (Q178 and Q180). Four (4) Wedron Formation monitoring wells were sampled and groundwater analyzed for the same parameters in the Second Quarter only (Q178). Field parameters were collected from all monitoring wells during each of the four quarters of 2014. No significant changes in overall groundwater quality of Glasford Formation groundwater were observed. The document can be found by clicking here.
The CUSWDS budget will be presented at a regular City Council meeting on June 16, 2015.