2015-19 Consolidated Plan Process

The City of Champaign is in the process of planning the 2015-19 Consolidated Plan. The City seeks public input into the needs of the community and the programming offered.  As of February 7, 2015, public input during neighborhood meetings is low but feedback from the homeless/social service providers is on target.  Additional advertising with social media and neighborhood leaders should help increase participation in upcoming neighborhood meetings.  Below is a list of upcoming meeting dates:

February 10, 2015
6-7pm  Beardsley Park and Garwood Area Addition Neighborhood Residents  Stratton Elementary School
February 12, 2015
8:15am  Community Reinvestment Group Meeting  Champaign City Building
February 12, 2015
5:30-7pm  Neighborhood Services Advisory Board – Goals, Strategies and Potential Activities for Draft 2015-19 Consolidated Plan  Champaign City Council Chambers
February 13, 2015
4-5pm  Countrybrook Apartment Community Residents  Community Room
March 10, 2015
  7 – 9 pm  City Council Study
Session – Draft Consolidated Plan
 Champaign City Council Chambers