Neil Street Lane Closure & William Street Closure
In order to repair a damaged sanitary sewer main under South Neil Street at William Street, Duce Construction will be closing one southbound lane of Neil Street. This closure will also affect the 100 block of William Street from Neil Street to the parking lot entrances west of 723 and 803 S. Neil Street. This repair is scheduled to begin Monday, February 2, 2015 and last through Friday, February 6, 2015, weather permitting. This repair requires an excavation into the intersection in order to gain access to the City of Champaign sanitary sewer main. The location of the work will not allow vehicular traffic to enter William Street from Neil Street; however, access to properties will be maintained via William Street from Randolph Street.
The public is encouraged to obey all traffic signs in the area and to choose alternative routes when possible. The City appreciates the cooperation of the public during this repair.