Dangerous Tree on West Maple

Neighborhood Code Compliance received a complaint of a dangerous tree in the 800 block of West Maple on Friday, May 23, 2014. The complainant stated they thought the tree had been hit by lightning causing a large limb to crack. Code Compliance Manager David Oliver reviewed the tree and confirmed the limb was broken but wedged in the tree. The limb appeared it could fall into the public right of way. A business card was left at the residence and the owner was attempted to be contacted. Following the Memorial Day holiday on Tuesday, May 27, 2014, Oliver was informed the limb had fallen from the tree during a storm over the weekend and Public Works was dispatched to remove the fallen debris. On May 28, 2014, Oliver confirmed the limb was removed and the remainder of the tree was intact.

An additional report of damage to the same tree was received on June 2, 2014 following another storm event. The tree had another section that split and was in danger of falling on the adjacent home. Oliver confirmed the damage to the tree was severe and managed to contact the owner by telephone to explain the situation. The owner stated the tenant had made him aware of the damage to the tree and was attempting to contact an arborist to remove the tree. Oliver explained the urgency of the situation and to avoid further property damage the tree needed to be addressed immediately. The owner contracted with Lumberjack Tree Service and the tree was removed on June 3, 2014.

Damaged Tree limb (May 23, 2014)









Damaged Tree limb (May 23, 2014)

Tree depicting first limb missing and additional tree damage (June 2, 2014)     Tree depicting first limb missing and additional tree damage (June 2, 2014)

Tree depicting first limb missing and additional tree damage (June 2, 2014)

Lumberjack Tree Service removing tree (June 3, 2014)     Lumberjack Tree Service removing tree (June 3, 2014)

Lumberjack Tree Service removing tree (June 3, 2014)