As of 12:00 p.m. Wednesday, January 8, 2014, the Public Works Director has declared that the sidewalk snow and ice removal requirement in the Downtown and Campustown areas is in effect.
Due to the winter storm, snow has accumulated to 2 inches or more on sidewalks. In order to make the sidewalks safe for pedestrians, City Ordinance requires sidewalks to be cleared 48 hours after the Public Works Director declaration. The period for compliance begins 12:00 p.m. Wednesday, January 8, 2014. Sidewalks need to be cleared by 12:00 p.m. Monday, January 13, 2014. An extension to the ordinance has been granted due to the extreme temperatures and large amount of accumulation. Sidewalks must maintain a path the width of the sidewalk or 48”, whichever is less. Sidewalks not in compliance could be cleared by the City at the owner’s expense. The City encourages property owners to clear sidewalks as soon as possible to avoid the potential below zero temperatures expected to arrive over the weekend, which will make clearing more difficult. The City appreciates the cooperation of property owners in making these sidewalks safe for pedestrians.
A map of the Downtown and Campustown areas and the Sidewalk Snow Removal Ordinance can be found on the City’s website,