National Night Out 2013 – August 6, 2013

National Night Out 2013

The City of Champaign will recognize National Night Out on Tuesday, August 6, 2013, from 4-8 p.m.

National Night Out is a designated evening when communities across America come together to take a stand against crime. To celebrate the nationwide event, residents are encouraged to lock their doors, turn on their porch lights and spend the evening outdoors with their neighbors. The City of Champaign has partnered with the Champaign Park District and registered neighborhood groups to host events throughout the community.

Neighborhood events will include block parties, entertainment, Champaign Police Department demonstrations, and more.

National Night Out is designed to generate support and participation in local anti-crime efforts, strengthen neighborhood spirit and improve relationships between the police department and local residents.

To find a National Night Out event in the community, please check with your local neighborhood watch group or visit the Champaign Park District’s Sounds at Sunset/NNO event at Douglass Park from 6-8 PM.

For more information on National Night Out, visit