City of Champaign Storm Response Update

City of Champaign Public Works Department crews continue working to respond to the wind damage inflicted by the storm that passed through the City on Friday, May 31, 2013. The City has set a deadline of 4:30 p.m. on Monday, June 17, for residents to contact Public Works at 217.403.4700 to request pick-up of their stormdamaged materials. To facilitate cleanup, residents are asked to follow these guidelines when placing materials at the curb:

  • Stack limbs and brush with cut ends parallel to the street
  • Place materials in paper yard waste bags
  • Keep brush and bags separate and away from mailboxes and fire hydrants
  • Avoid parking cars in front of brush and bags
  • All items must be on the right-of-way; staff will not enter onto private property to pick up debris

The deadline for calling to request items be picked up is Monday, June 17. Residents will be responsible for removal of materials after the deadline. The Department’s goal to finalize storm cleanup is by the end of the day on Monday, June 24. Please note that stacked limbs and bagged materials may be collected at separate times.