A total of 494 service requests from citizens and City staff were recorded during March 2013 in the Public Works Department. This count increased by 182 (58%) requests compared to the 312 requests that were received in February. The chart below tracks the number of requests recorded each day by staff.
SeeClickFix, a mobile app, was introduced to the public on March 1. Citizens can now use their mobile phones to photograph, geocode, and describe a problem existing within the City’s boundaries and automatically submit all this information to the Public Works Department. During the first month of availability, 79 service requests were submitted using SeeClickFix. Forty-two (53%) of these SeeClickFix requests were for pothole repairs. At the end of March, there were 55 user accounts set up by Champaign citizens and employees.
The City received the season’s largest snowfall in March. As a result, requests related to snow and ice issues skyrocketed to 204 (41%). The Asphalt Section received the second largest number of requests at 95 (19%).
Requests for mailbox repair (damaged by snow plowing) were the greatest at 133 (27%); requests for pothole repairs was second at 78 (16%). Requests for plowing came in third with 40 (8%).