The Champaign Police Department is reminding parents and homeowners to take a moment to consider basic safety precautions that will make Halloween a safer night of fun for trick-or-treaters.
NEVER send young children out alone. Children should always be accompanied by a parent or another trusted adult. Older children should always travel in groups.
PLAN a trick-or-treating route in familiar neighborhoods with well-lit streets. Avoid unfamiliar neighborhoods, streets that are isolated, or homes that are poorly lit inside or outside.
CHOOSE bright, flame-retardant costumes or add reflective tape to costumes and candy bags so children are easily seen in the dark. In addition, carry a glow stick or flashlight and wear shoes that fit to avoid tripping or falling.
ALWAYS walk younger children to the door to receive treats. Do not let children enter a home unless you are with them.
ADVISE children not to approach any vehicle unless you are with them.
DISCUSS basic pedestrian safety rules and remind children to obey all traffic signals.
LOOK at the candy wrapping carefully and avoid unwrapped treats.
CONSIDER organizing a home or community party as an alternative to “trick-or-treating.”
MAKE sure children know their home phone number and address in case you are separated.
REMIND children to remain alert and report suspicious incidents to parents and/or law enforcement.