The public is invited and encouraged to attend a free Digital Divide Resource and Information Fair on Monday, October 22, 2012, from 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. at the Douglass Branch Library (504 E Grove Street, Champaign). The resource fair is a free open house event to educate residents about the public computing resources and services available in our community.
Participants can talk with local agencies and businesses about resources that are in place to help keep the underserved from being left behind in the digital computer age. The City also hopes to identify and learn more about other public computing resources available in our community. The City of Champaign’s Information Technologies Department is facilitating this event.
Jeff Hamilton (Telecommunications/AV Technician for the City of Champaign) says, “Champaign has a rich diversity of public computing resources, including computer labs, Internet access, and training. Some residents are unaware of the free public computing resources available to them. I hope the public will come away from the resource fair with a better understanding of public computing resources available in Champaign.”
Local agencies and businesses which provide services to directly help Champaign’s underserved population bridge the digital divide will be on hand to talk with and provide information to the public. The resource and information fair begins at 4:00 p.m. with short presentations about local public computing resources starting at 5:00 p.m. Some of the agencies and businesses scheduled to attend include: Champaign Public Library, Parkland College, UC2B, Comcast, VOLO Broadband, and the IMC.