On September 27, the City of Champaign and Integrys Energy will initiate a second enrollment period for the City’s Municipal Electric Aggregation (MEA) program by mailing opt-out letters to residential and small commercial customers who have established new accounts with Ameren since the initial enrollment period in July. Customers currently on Ameren’s electric space heat program will also receive opt-out letters. These customers were not included in the initial enrollment because the City could not guarantee savings for them under the program. However, after careful analysis based on the updated Ameren electric space heat rates, the City has confirmed savings for this group of customers. Approximately 10, 325 new program participants have been identified who will be automatically enrolled in the MEA program unless they take action to opt-out. All customers who are enrolled during this second period will receive the same $0.0419 per kilowatt hour fixed rate provided during the initial enrollment for this 100% renewable energy from Integrys. This rate is 23.96% and 32.92% lower than the Ameren default rate for eligible residential customers and commercial customers, respectively.
Letter recipients have 14 days to opt-out of the program and may do so by 1) returning the optout post card included with their letter; 2) calling Integrys toll-free at (888) 491-1396; or 3) online at www.integrysenergy.com/il-champaign. More information about the program is available at www.integrysenergy.com/il-champaign and www.ci.champaign.il.us/mea. People with questions are encouraged to call the Integrys 24 hour toll-free hotline at (888) 491-1362 or the City of Champaign Public Works Department at (217) 403-4700.