Work around the City Building started last week as A&R Services began relocating planters and removing brick pavers. Since that time, they have also temporarily removed some of the streetlights, allowing the Traffic and Lighting Section to refurbish them before they are reinstalled. For now, work will be concentrated at the northwest corner of the building, at the intersection of Neil Street and Chester Street. Earlier this week, a fenced work zone was established, necessitating some changes to the pedestrian paths in the area.
The main entrance to the City Building, on Chester Street, will remain open during this time. However, due to the sidewalk closure, the entrance will not be accessible from the sidewalk along the building’s west side. Instead, pedestrians coming from the south or west must either navigate around the east end of the building and approach the main entrance from the east, or walk along the west side of Neil Street, cross Neil Street at the crosswalk just north of Chester Street, and approach the main entrance from the north. Construction barrels will designate a safe path for pedestrians to access the main entrance when approaching from the west or north. These alternate routes will be necessary for several weeks, until sidewalk work has moved away from the northwest corner of the building.
The City asks that pedestrians in the area pay attention to traffic control changes and walk with care through the construction zone. City staff apologizes in advance for any inconvenience this work will cause area residents, businesses and visitors and appreciates the cooperation of everyone in order to maintain a safe environment.
This project is expected to be completed by December 14, 2012.