The Neighborhood Programs Division is coordinating a Healthy Neighborhoods Walking Tour to highlight the near completion of the federal stimulus Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) in the Douglass Park Neighborhood. The tour will highlight how the stimulus funding complements the work of nearby partnership projects: Oakwood Trace Townhomes, Taylor Thomas Subdivision and Douglass Square (City-Housing Authority partnership projects); Habitat for Humanity (Lot Acquisition Program, NSP); and Homestead Corporation (Infill Pilot Program, HOME Community Housing Development Organization). The tour will begin at 5:15 p.m., at the corner of Taylor Thomas Lane/North 5th Street on the City’s lot with a brief introduction from City and partnership officials. Guests can then follow a short walking tour through the neighborhood to see the various partnership homes completed with NSP and HOME funds from the City of Champaign and then return to Taylor Thomas Subdivision for light refreshments and to learn more about City partnership opportunities.