On June 28, 2012, the Supreme Court of the United States substantially upheld the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).
The Supreme Court decision to uphold the law means that provisions already in effect, such as 100 percent preventive care coverage, expanded coverage for children up to age 26, and removing lifetime and annual limits on some benefits, will remain in place. Further, the City of Champaign will continue to make the required changes to comply with the law as they come due.
How will this decision affect the health care benefits that the City provides to its employees? For 2012, no changes are needed to the health benefits currently in effect. The City will continue to review its health plan options annually to ensure we offer affordable, competitive, and comprehensive coverage for employees and their family members. The annual review of health insurance benefits/options and premiums will be performed by Human Resources and the Benefits Advisory Committee in December/January. Health Insurance information for 2013 will be communicated in February as part of our annual enrollment.
Should you have further questions, please contact the Human Resources department at 403-8770.