Human Resources Launches New Website

As part of the City’s website redesign project to enhance the public’s access to information and online services, the Human Resources (HR) Department launched its new section of the website on Monday, July 10.

Highlights of the refreshed HR site include more in-depth content than the previous site, user-friendly navigation, and a bank of Frequently Asked Questions.  The “Jobs” section is much more robust and provides insight into the various steps of the hiring process.  The “Salaries and Benefits” page captures information such as salary schedules, employee compensation reports, and fringe benefit summaries and places them in one easy-to-find location.  Other major improvements to the site can be found under the “Claims Management” page.  Users can submit potential claims directly through the Liability Claim form, now available on the site.  They are also able to access several maintenance tables and maps to help determine if a potential claim falls within the City’s jurisdiction, as some streets are maintained by the State and some by the University of Illinois.

The new site can be found at