City of Champaign – Update on Snow Clearing Efforts

The City of Champaign Public Works Department continues to address the snowfall and accompanying winds that began this morning. Many in-town locations are seeing plows move into the secondary streets as of this evening. Due to blowing snow, additional resources have been deployed to outlying areas. According to Public Works Operations Supervisor, Cory Conrad, “We are following the plans outlined in the City’s Snow and Ice Control Plan. Public Works staff reported for duty at 3:00 a.m. on Wednesday morning, a second crew arrived at 11:15 a.m. and another crew will take over at 11:15 p.m. tonight. We will continue around the clock operations until the plan outlined in the snow and ice control plan is complete.” Citizens are encouraged to take appropriate precautions when driving: leave early, allow extra time to reach your destination, and be cautious around snowplows.

If there is more than two inches of snow, the Public Works Director will activate the Sidewalk Snow Removal Ordinance. To view areas affected by this ordinance, please visit the City’s website. Citizens are reminded not to place snow cleared from their property into City streets. This can create hazardous obstacles for vehicles. All citizens and businesses are encouraged to clear sidewalks to allow for safer pedestrian and accessible travel. Residents and businesses along one of the identified Safe Routes to School are encouraged to keep their sidewalks clear for the safe passage of students and parents. Safe Route maps are located here

Public Works staff will continue to proactively monitor forecasts and to respond in a timely and efficient manner to threats of inclement weather. Citizens are encouraged to monitor the City’s website ( ), CGTV Cable Channel 5, and local media for information about street clearing activities. Whenever possible, Citizens are encouraged to keep City streets free of parked vehicles during this time to expedite plowing efforts and to utilize alternate off-street locations (such as the Hill Street Parking Deck in Downtown) in lieu of parking on the street.