IDOT – I-57 to I-74 Ramp Closure
Forwarded for your information on behalf of IDOT. The ramp taking traffic from Southbound I-57 to Eastbound I-74 will be closed. A detour will be utilized. Use extreme caution, slow speeds in work zone areas and be alert for workers and machinery. Ramp at I-57 SB Exit 237A will be closed. Take I-57 south to […]
IDOT – I-74 to I-57 Ramp Closure
This News Release is being forwarded on behalf of IDOT. The ramp taking traffic from Westbound I-74 to Southbound I-57 will be closed. A detour will be utilized. Use extreme caution, slow speeds in work zone areas and be alert for workers and machinery. Ramp at Exit 179A will be closed – Take I-74 west […]
IDOT Opens Bids for Olympian Drive (Apollo to Lincoln)
On Friday, April 25, 2014, the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) opened bids for the Olympian Drive (Apollo to Lincoln) Project. The project received four bids as follows: Halverson Construction Co. Inc., Springfield, IL $7,420,914.65 Stark Excavating, Inc., Bloomington, IL $7,399,305.36 Otto Baum, Morton, IL $7,193,745.11 Feutz Contractors Inc., Champaign, IL $7,092,062.46 (low bid) […]
ICC Approves Funding for the Olympian Drive Railroad Bridge
On February 20, 2014 the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) approved railroad crossing protection funding in the amount of $7.8 million to construct the Olympian Drive bridge over the Illinois Central Railroad. Reaching an ICC decision on the railroad bridge took over two years and is an important step in moving the Olympian Drive (Apollo Drive […]
IDOT Opens Bids for the Windsor Road I-57 Bridge Approaches Project
On Friday, January 17, 2014, the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) opened bids for the Windsor Road I-57 Bridge Approaches Project. The project received four bids as follows: Halverson Construction Co. Inc., Springfield, IL $3,896,439.57 O’Neil Brothers a Div. of MACC of IL, Inc., Urbana, IL $2,846,111.78 […]
Olympian Drive Railroad Bridge Approval Headed to Full ICC Commission
After over two years of review, the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) Hearing process to obtain approval for the new Olympian Drive bridge over the Illinois Central Canadian National Railroad is nearing completion. On October 20, 2011, the City of Urbana, the City of Champaign, and Champaign County (i.e. Joint Petitioners) filed a Joint Petition to […]