This booklet was prepared to be used as a general guide by City, utility, and contractor construction crews during work operations on City right-of-ways and streets open to traffic. City Capital Improvement Projects (CIPs) may include different standards within the contract documents, i.e., Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), etc.
The information contained within this document is consistent with the requirements of the Illinois Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for streets and highways for work area protection on urban two-lane and multi-lane roads. This booklet is a guide that may not apply to long-term closings or other special circumstances and is not a substitute for the judgment of those responsible for work site safety. This document suggests procedures that should provide a reasonable level of safety; however, application of these guidelines cannot guarantee the safety of every work site. Each worker and supervisor should be alert for any circumstance which could require procedures different from those included in this guide. Special attention should also be given to City ordinances and procedures and to State requirements when work is being done on highways under the jurisdiction of IDOT.
Properly used, work area protection helps prevent injury to employees and the public. Proper planning is essential in every job so that it is executed in a safe and orderly manner with a minimum of interference with motorists.