City Hosts Firefighter Recruitment Meeting

A very successful and well attended Firefighter recruitment, virtual information session was held on August 17, 2022.  A total of 38 potential applicants pre-registered for the virtual informational session.

Staff from the Fire and Human Resources Departments, along with a representative from the National Testing Network presented on various topics, including: CFD’s history; daily firefighter activities and work schedules; ongoing training; fire prevention and life safety activities throughout the community; fire investigations; firefighter application and testing processes; exams preparation, preference points; eligibility list; as well as conditional and confirmed employment offers.

Presenting at the information session were Fire Chief Gary Ludwig, Deputy Fire Chief Tyler Funk, Deputy Fire Marshal Robert Simmons, Assistant HR Director Liz Borman, HR Specialist Karen Hampton, and National Testing Network representative Emma Walsh.

Upcoming Firefighter Recruitment dates:

  • September 23 – application deadline
  • October 10 – written exam deadline
  • February 27, 2023 – Current Firefighter Eligibility List expires