The Champaign Police Department announced the following citations were issued during the St. Patrick’s Day enforcement period:
- 1 Aggravated D.U.I arrest
- 17 seat belt citations
- 6 cell phone citations
- 7 uninsured motorist citations
- 8 speeding citations
- 3 suspended/revoked citations
- 5 miscellaneous citations
In addition to the citations issued, one stolen vehicle was recovered.
“Because of the efforts by our community leaders to spread the word about alcohol and drug impaired driving, the streets were safer during the St. Patrick’s Day holiday,” said Sgt. Geoff Coon. “We strongly enforce traffic laws for one reason – to save lives.”
The Champaign Police Department joined forces with state and local law enforcement and highway safety partners in the St. Patrick’s Day enforcement campaign.
The law enforcement campaign was funded by federal highway safety funds administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation as part of the statewide Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over and Click It or Ticket campaigns.