In August 2017, the Neighborhood Services Code Compliance Division cited four vehicles for being unregistered and not parked on an improved surface on a vacant lot. The violation notice also referenced that the three buses could not be parked on the property due to the City’s Zoning Ordinance. The owner of the vehicles contacted Inspector Tim Spear and said he would get the updated registration stickers for the four vehicles and that he was working to get the three buses moved to a different property.
In September, the three buses caught fire and were heavily damaged. After the Fire and Police Departments completed their investigations, Inspector Spear contacted the owner about getting the vehicles removed. The owner stated that he was working with his insurance company to do so. Two buses were subsequently removed from the property. Inspector Spear contacted the owner again about the remaining bus and the van. The owner stated that he had arranged to have the bus removed and had a current registration for the van.
When the bus remained on the property in November, Inspector Spear contacted the City’s Legal Department to request an administrative search warrant to tow the vehicles. The administrative search warrant was executed on November 21, 2017. The van did not have proper registration and was towed. Removing the bus required two tow trucks.