On April 25, the Planning Department led a live-streaming, interactive meeting to present details of the recently-released Request for Proposals to develop Parking Lot J. City staff from Planning, Building Safety, and Engineering described the elements of the RFP, and then answered questions from the in-person, online, and television audiences. At the conclusion of the meeting, the audience was invited to join staff at the site for a site visit. Many of the 14 in-person participants also took the opportunity to network with other development professionals.
With support from the Information Technologies Department, the program aired live on CGTV Channel 5 and online via Live Stream. The program has also been archived and is available on the City’s website.
This interactive meeting format allows a larger audience to attend and participate in the meeting, whether in-person or virtually. It also encourages a more equitable distribution of information to potential respondents to the RFP.