Planned Development/Special Use Permit Compliance Review

The Planning Department is currently completing a compliance check of all previously approved Planned Developments and Special Use Permits to ensure continued conformance with the approved plans. Approval of a Planned Development or a Special Use Permit typically includes required conditions such as limitations on the hours of operation, number of employees, amount of signage, additional infrastructure to be built within a certain amount of time, etc. Typically the property is required to be developed in compliance with the approved site plan and landscaping plan. On an annual basis the Planning Department conducts site visits to each of the approved projects to determine that they continue to maintain their property in compliance with the conditions of their approval.

There are 41 Planned Developments and 28 Special Use Permits that have been approved in the City of Champaign. Of the 69 cases that Planning Staff inspected, there were 12 properties that were found to be out of compliance in some facet of their approved plan. All 12 cases involved missing landscaping that either needed to be replaced or added. Additionally, two of the 12 cases also had issues with dumpsters that had been added to the developments; without constructing a dumpster enclosure that meet the City’s requirements for screening. Of the 12 letters that the City sent out, all of the property owners, have contacted the City and proposed a plan to replace the landscaping by the spring planting season in March.