Water Focus Group Discussion Held for Champaign Growing Greener

The Planning Department staff is working with local experts to gather information and develop strategies for the Champaign Growing Greener – Environmental Sustainability Plan. There are seven focus areas of the Plan, including water, energy, solid waste, the built environment, transportation, the green economy and food and agriculture. Focus groups will be held for each topic.

The focus group discussion on water was held July 18, 2012, at the City Building. Seven participants representing the Champaign Public Works Department, Illinois American Water, Illinois State Water Survey, Illinois State Geological Survey, Urbana-Champaign Sanitary District and Prairie Rivers Network discussed questions relating to water use, groundwater, stormwater management, wastewater and more. Additional focus group discussions are being scheduled. The City’s sustainability team will be reviewing meeting notes and draft strategies. These will be presented to City Council for review when they are finished.

For more information about Champaign Growing Greener, visit http://www.greenchampaign.com/