Items tagged: Walnut Street

Chester Street Road Closure (between Neil Street and Walnut Street)

In order to remove HVAC materials from the roof of the Champaign City Building, Tremco will place a crane on Chester Street between Neil Street and Walnut Street.  The closure will take place on Friday, May 12, 2023, between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 10 a.m., weather permitting. Traffic will not be permitted on […]

Garwood Street Road Closure (between Walnut Street and Champaign Street)

In order to repair sanitary sewer services at 1212 N. Walnut Street, Mattex Services will close Garwood Street between Walnut Street and Champaign Street.  The closure will begin on Tuesday, January 24, and the street will be reopened by Friday, January 27, 2023, weather permitting. Through traffic will not be allowed, but access will be […]

Bailey Street Road Closure (between Walnut Street and Market Street)

In order to facilitate sign removal at 17 E. University, American Dowell Signs will close Bailey Street between Walnut Street and Market Street.  The closure will occur on Tuesday, November 22, 2022, between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.  During the closure, access will be maintained to all local properties.

Railroad Crossing Work and Bradley Avenue Road Closure – Revised Start Date

The City of Champaign is sharing this information on behalf of Norfolk Southern Railroad: The City of Champaign has been notified that in order to complete repairs to five railroad crossings generally located north of University Avenue between Fifth Street and McKinley Avenue, Norfolk Southern Railroad will close the following streets: • Fifth Street just […]

Walnut Street Lane Closure (between Willow Street and Bailey Street)

In order to repair a sanitary manhole at the intersection of Walnut Street and Logan Street, SNC Construction will reduce traffic to one lane on South Walnut Street between Willow Street and Bailey Street. Westbound traffic on Logan Street will not be permitted to turn right onto South Walnut Street. Northbound traffic in the affected […]

Norfolk Southern Railroad Crossing Work and Bradley Avenue Road Closure

In order to complete repairs to five railroad crossings generally located north of University Avenue between Fifth Street and McKinley Avenue, Norfolk Southern Railroad will close the following streets: • Fifth Street just south of Washington Street • Phillips Drive just north of Washington Street • Walnut Street about halfway between Columbia Avenue and North […]

University Avenue Lane Closure (between Neil Street and Walnut Street)

In order to install a rooftop unit at 9 E. University Avenue, Roland Realty will close an eastbound lane of University Avenue between Neil Street and Walnut Street. The closure will occur between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Tuesday, July 26, 2022. During the closure, eastbound traffic will be reduced to […]

Walnut Street Lane Closure (between Taylor Street and Main Street)

In order to place a crane for building maintenance at 30 Main, Bubin Properties will be closing one lane of Walnut Street between Taylor Street and Main Street. The closure will occur today, Wednesday, June 29, 2022, between the hours of 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. Northbound traffic will be reduced to one lane in […]

Walnut Street Lane Closure (between Clark Street and Main Street)

In order to perform routine storm sewer maintenance activities, Visu-Sewer Construction, Inc. will be closing short sections of northbound traffic on the west side of Walnut Street from Clark Street to Main Street. Traffic on the west will merge into a single lane through a short construction work zone. The single-lane closure will be for […]

Walnut Street Lane Closure (between Logan Street and University Avenue)

In order to repair sanitary sewer service at 109 S. Walnut, A&R Services will close one northbound lane of Walnut Street between Logan Street and University Avenue. The closure will begin on Monday, December 6, and will reopen on Monday, December 13, 2021. Northbound traffic will be reduced to one lane in the area.