Keep Champaign Beautiful (First Annual Cham-Bana Recycles Week)
First Annual Cham-Bana Recycles Week, November 13 – 20, 2015. Cham-Bana Recycles Week is an extension of the nationwide America Recycles Day, sponsored by Keep America Beautiful. On Friday, November 13 from 7 a.m. – 10 a.m., members of Keep Champaign Beautiful will kick off the week by handing out FREE reusable shopping bags to […]
Cardboard Dumpster Event for Feed the Thing During Move In/Out
As the fall semester begins at the University of Illinois, the City of Champaign is holding a Cardboard Dumpster Event for Feed the Thing During Move In/Out from August 14-25, 2015. Cardboard dumpsters will be placed around the campus town area with the purpose of providing students living in multifamily buildings (apartments, condos, & co-ops […]
August Campus Move In-Out Recycle and Reuse Event
As summer turnover begins at the University of Illinois, the City of Champaign and local non-profit agencies are continuing their effort to encourage students living in multifamily buildings, fraternities, sororities, and private certified housing to donate any unwanted items that can be resold or reused. The dates scheduled for drop off are: Friday, August 7, […]
August Campus Move In-Out Recycle and Reuse Event
As summer turnover begins at the University of Illinois, the City of Champaign and local non-profit agencies are continuing their effort to encourage the students living in multifamily buildings, fraternities, sororities, and private certified housing to donate any unwanted items that can be resold or reused. The date scheduled for drop-off is: Saturday, August 9. […]