Summer Outreach Presentation at Douglass Center
On June 18, 2014, Champaign Police School Resource Officer Jonathan Westfield conducted a presentation at Douglass Center for middle school age campers describing the duties of a Police Officer. He also answered “Law and You” related questions and distributed the “Know Your Rights” brochures developed by the City.
Monticello Rotary Club Presentation
Champaign Police Officer Brian Karbach was the guest speaker for the Monticello Rotary Club on Wednesday, May 14, 2014. Officer Karbach spoke about the EOD Unit and law enforcement in general. A member of the Monticello Rotary Club, Harold Vogelzang, emailed that Brian “. . . epitomizes the emissary of good will and caring that […]
Bristol Place Master Plan Presentation to the Housing Authority of Champaign County (HACC)
The draft Bristol Place Master Plan was presented to the Housing Authority of Champaign County board members and the public on April 24, 2014 during the regular HACC Board of Commissioners meeting. Rob Kowalski and Kerri Spear led the discussion. The neighborhood design with the variety of housing styles, park enhancements, and street layout were […]
League of Illinois Bicyclists Annual Bike Summit
Police Lt. Jim Clark gave a presentation on April 15, 2014, for the League of Illinois Bicyclists, 3rd Annual Illinois Bike Summit that was held at the I-Hotel. Illinois bicycle advocates and interested professionals from around Illinois attended the summit for a day of learning and networking, meant to help them make their towns more […]