Items tagged: Inspector

Code Inspectors Earn Fire Inspector 1 Certification

Recently, Code Compliance Inspectors Ricardo Alvarez, Jeremy Kleparski, and Danis Pelmore attended Fire Inspector training at the Illinois Fire Service Institute. The training included a certification test and all three inspectors are now certified as Fire Inspector 1 by the State of Illinois. Through a reciprocal process the inspectors will receive International Code Council (ICC) […]

Inspector Speaks to the Students of the READY Program

John Kunich, a Plumbing and Mechanical Systems Inspector for the Building Safety Division, spoke to READY School students about the building trades and available careers. As skilled carpenters, plumbers, and electricians retire, there aren’t enough entering the trades to take their place. John was able to share information on different trades’ programs and career paths […]

ICC Certified Property Maintenance and Housing Inspector

Congratulations to Environmental Inspector Kim Burnett for successfully passing the International Code Council Property Maintenance and Housing Inspector examination. Kim took the test in Springfield, IL on Thursday, April 24, 2014. Kim is currently serving as Acting Property Maintenance Inspector for the duration of the vacancy of the position.