Farber Drive Road Closure (between Interstate Drive and Newton Drive)
In order to construct a new water main, Mid Illinois Concrete and Excavating, Inc. will close Farber Drive between Interstate Drive and Newton Drive. The work is scheduled to begin on Monday, July 19, and end on Monday, July 26, 2021. Access to businesses in the area will remain open.
Annual Paving Project
Starting Wednesday, June 26, 2019, Open Road Paving Company will continue work on the City’s Annual Asphalt Paving Project. Milling and paving work on Farber Drive, Newton Drive, and Newmark Drive will begin Wednesday, June 26 and is scheduled to be completed in 4 days. One lane of traffic will be open at all times. […]
Farber Drive Pavement Repair (Between Interstate Drive and Newton Drive)
In order to repair pavement failures, A&A Concrete will be closing Farber Drive between Interstate Drive and Newton Drive. Repair work will begin on Monday, March 25, 2019, and is expected to last three days, weather permitting. Access to businesses will be maintained at all times.
Lane Closures for Tree Work
In order to perform tree work, the Public Works Department will close one lane of traffic in the following areas: 1) One southbound lane of Mattis Avenue between Stonegate Drive and Sangamon Drive 2) The eastbound lane of Interstate Drive between Newmark Drive and Farber Drive (eastbound traffic will be routed through the […]
Farber Drive Road Closure
Due to street flooding, the Public Works Department has closed Farber Drive between Newton Street and Interstate Drive. Citizens are reminded not to drive in to flooded areas. Please obey all traffic signs and use extreme caution in the area.