City of Champaign Resumes Additional Code Compliance Inspections
Following a short pause while the City developed procedures to ensure the safety of the public and City inspectors during the COVID-19 pandemic, Champaign’s Code Compliance Division has now implemented virtual interior code inspections of residential dwelling units and resumed limited-contact inspection of vacant units. The City has also resumed exterior code violation inspections for […]
City of Champaign Announces Additional Suspensions to Services
Today, the City of Champaign announced additional service changes to promote social distancing and to proactively support the prevention and management of COVID-19. Changes are temporary, and an announcement will be made once the City is able to return to normal business. The Code Compliance Division (Neighborhood Services) is suspending all inspections except for cases […]
Code Compliance Staff Issues Condemnation of Uninhabitable Space
On February 7, 2019, Property Maintenance Inspectors Cliff Peete and Robert Simmons responded to a referral from the Champaign Fire Department due to observations made when responding to a call for service. During the property maintenance inspection, the property owner was present, and inspectors discovered there were no smoke or carbon monoxide detectors located inside […]
City of Champaign Reminder of Sidewalk Snow Removal for Campus and Downtown
With winter weather arriving early this year, the City of Champaign would like to remind owners of properties located within the University District and the Downtown area that they are responsible for removing snow, ice, sleet or freezing rain from the sidewalks adjacent to their properties. The ordinance applies when accumulations are 2-inches or greater. […]
Neighborhood Services Implements New Communication Techniques
The Neighborhood Services Department is responsible for the maintenance and preservation of existing structures in the community through the enforcement of property maintenance codes and coordination of efforts to achieve compliance with the City’s blight and nuisance abatement programs. Often residents are unaware of Champaign property code requirements. Rather than sending a violation notice to residents […]
Who Is Responsible for Graffiti Abatement in Champaign?
Graffiti is unsightly vandalism that, left unattended, sends the signal that nobody cares, often attracting other forms of criminal mischief. It can also decrease a resident’s feeling of safety in their neighborhood. Research indicates the most effective way to prevent graffiti is to report it and remove it promptly. When graffiti appears on publicly owned […]
“Goal Getters” Community Clean Up Project
On the hot afternoon of Monday, July 2, Champaign Unit 4 students participating in the “Goal Getters” Program worked with staff from the Neighborhood Services Department to remove litter from neighborhood streets. The students were treated to pizza and a short presentation on Neighborhood Wellness from Code Compliance Manager David Oliver prior to hitting the […]
Illegal Dumping
On April 4, 2018, Property Maintenance Inspector Kim Burnett observed several discarded mattresses in a commercial parking lot on North Prospect. Burnett visited with the property manager and provided a 24-hour Notice to Abate. The property manager indicated the mattresses did not originate from their business and were illegally discarded on the property. Burnett provided […]
Code Compliance Demolition Activities
Vacant structures can pose a threat to public safety, not only to neighborhood residents but also police and fire responders. Buildings with securing boards often remain in that condition for extended periods of time. The condition of these buildings materially increases the risk of fire to the building and adjacent properties. Their dilapidated appearance negatively […]
West Hill Street Properties Get Exterior Repairs
As structures age, they often require maintenance to stay in good health. Individual structures and neighborhoods that are poorly maintained cost citizens more money, depress property values, and foster vandalism and crime. The best solution to maintaining good neighborhoods is for everyone to voluntarily comply with a standard of maintenance agreed upon by the community. Unfortunately, […]