New Episode of Champaign Spotlight Features City Attorney Thomas Yu
The City is thrilled to present the latest addition to our Champaign Spotlight series with a new episode featuring City Attorney Thomas Yu. Join us as he shares insights about his experience in the legal profession and the extraordinary team he leads. Hear some behind-the-scenes stories that shaped our City’s history. Gain valuable perspective on […]
City Manager Announces Appointment of New City Attorney
City Manager Dorothy Ann David announced today that she has appointed Thomas Yu to serve as Champaign’s next City Attorney, starting September 12, 2022. Yu currently serves as one of the City’s Assistant City Attorneys and has more than 21 years of experience practicing law. Yu has served the City of Champaign since 2017, and […]
Champaign City Attorney Announces Upcoming Retirement
Frederick C. Stavins, the City Attorney for the City of Champaign since 1981, has announced plans to retire from that position effective May 20, 2022. Serving for more than forty years, Stavins is the longest serving City Attorney and department head in the City’s history. Stavins says that he has treasured serving the City, saying, […]