Community Canvasing

On July 28, 2024 a tragic gun violence incident that took the lives of two 18-year-olds in the community. The Equity and Engagement Department staff, aided by the Neighborhood Ambassadors, and Summer YES intern, Iris Kim, canvassed the area surrounding the Mattis North Apartment complex throughout the week of July 29. Flyers were passed around to neighbors to inform them of the existence of the Community Gun Violence Reduction Blueprint and how the City can assist after there incidents occur. Ahead of a scheduled Gun Violence Response Meeting, the flyers also provide a few thought-provoking questions for residents to consider concerning their perspectives on how the City can improve. The main goal of canvassing after a gun violence incident is to connect direct and indirect victims of violence to services and resources offered within the City of Champaign. A community Gun Violence Response meeting took place Monday, August 5.