i3 Broadband Fiber Optic Construction Projects

The City of Champaign is sharing this information on behalf of i3 Broadband.
i3 Broadband Fiber Optic Construction Project – Country Lane & Waverly/Prospect/Armory/Kirby
i3 Broadband will begin installation of fiber optic utility in an area between Country Lane/Waverly and Prospect (from west to east) and Armory and Kirby (from north to south). The construction process will continue for 6-8 weeks from first seeing utility flags to completing restoration and activating services.


i3 Broadband Fiber Optic Construction Project – Mattis/Russell/Columbia/University
 i3 Broadband will begin installation of fiber optic utility in an area between Mattis and Russell (from west to east) and Columbia and University (from north to south). The construction process will continue for 6-8 weeks from first seeing utility flags to completing restoration and activating services.
i3 Broadband is a licensed utility in the state of Illinois and is permitted to construct facilities in the public right-of-way and general utility easements dedicated to the City of Champaign. i3 Broadband works closely with the City of Champaign through the permitting and construction process. Network construction activities will occur in City right-of-way and in public utility easements on private property in the subdivision, including backyard, side yard and front yard easements.


CONTACT:  [email protected] | Phone 217-530-0333