Adopt A Drain Friday

Adopt A Drain Friday October 1, 2021

Storm sewers in Champaign lead to rivers and streams like the Boneyard Creek, Embarras River, Saline Branch, Copper Slough, Phinney Branch and Kaskaskia River. These waterways are home to fish, frogs, turtles and birds, so it is important to keep the drains free of debris. You can help protect our wildlife by participating in the City’s Adopt a Drain Program. With more than 8,400 drains available to adopt in Champaign, you have many to choose from!

One drain in need of a volunteer is named Bruce and is located at 4113 Crail Road in the Turnberry Ridge Subdivision. Bruce cares about wildlife and is a firm believer that “Fish are friends, not food.” Please visit to sign up to adopt Bruce or another drain(s) and to learn more about the Adopt A Drain Program.

Photo of storm drain