In a typical home, you can have as little as one to two minutes to escape safely after the smoke alarm sounds. Knowing the difference between your smoke or carbon monoxide alarm and what it means when they sound can save a life.
The National Fire Protection Association’s 2021 Fire Prevention Week is October 3rd to the 9th. This year’s campaign, “Learn the Sounds of Fire Safety!” works to educate everyone about the different sounds that smoke and carbon monoxide alarms make.
• Learn the sounds of your alarms by checking the user guide or search the brand and model online.
• Replace smoke alarms after 10 years.
• Sleep with your mobility device, glasses, and phone next to your bed.
• Keep pathways like hallways lit with night lights and free from clutter.
Remember, when the smoke alarm sounds, get out and stay out. If you must escape through smoke, stay low to the ground. Try to close doors behind you as you leave, to help slow the spread of smoke and fire, and help others exit.