On Wednesday, September 22, 2021, Illinois American Water and Cross Construction will begin installing new water main and services on Columbia Avenue between Neil Street and Prairie Street. Construction is scheduled to be completed by the end of October 2021. During this time, the following lane closures are anticipated:
• Columbia Avenue between State Street and Prairie Street: The westbound lane will be closed. Eastbound lane will remain open and access to all properties will be maintained.
• Columbia Avenue between Neil Street and State Street: Intermittent lane closures are expected. One eastbound and one westbound lane of traffic will be maintained.
• Neil Street – Intermittent lane closures are expected. One northbound and one southbound lane of Neil Street will remain open to traffic.
• Randolph Street – An intermittent lane closure is expected. One northbound lane will remain open.
• State Street – An intermittent lane closure is expected. One southbound lane will remain open.