On August 10, 2021, the City hosted two Community Engagement Activities where the community provided input on how to best utilize the $25.2 million in Federal funding the City is receiving through the American Rescue Plan (ARP). Finance Director Kay Nees started off the events by proving a brief presentation about the funding objectives and allowable uses. Following the presentation, City staff from various departments hosted an open house with fun, engaging activities to allow residents to prioritize how they felt the grant funding would best be utilized. Each participant received $25 million in faux ARP funds to allocate as they saw fit. The results are displayed in the chart, below. Infrastructure improvements, community violence intervention and housing affordability were the top selected categories.
There was a great turnout with more than 50 people in attendance. City staff will compile all comments and suggestions received from this event and it will be shared publicly as the City Council meets later this year to make decisions about spending the American Rescue Plan funds.