Virtual Neighborhood Leaders Meeting

Picture of participants in the Neighborhood Leaders Meeting on a Zoom CallOn April 7, the Neighborhood Services Department – Coordination Division hosted its monthly virtual neighborhood leaders meeting. City Manager Dorothy Ann David was the keynote presenter for the meeting which was held via Zoom. During her presentation, the City Manager shared information on City operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Her presentation highlighted the City’s resiliency in pivoting to respond to overall community needs over the last year. Following the City Managers presentation Communications Manager Jeff Hamilton provided information on the County wide “Here the Spot, Get Your Shot” campaign. Over the next several months we will work to actively engage our registered groups to help achieve the overall goals of the vaccination campaign.

The virtual neighborhood leaders meeting is held on the first Wednesday of each month at 2pm via Zoom. Over the last year as we have had to pivot to virtual engagement, the leaders meeting has provided a great opportunity to engage representatives from our 48 registered neighborhood groups throughout the City of Champaign, with information and resources to promote neighborhood health and wellness.