Video Message: Champaign and Urbana Mayors Address Champaign County’s First COVID-19 Related Death

Mayors COVID 19 Update 4-6-2020 from City of Champaign on Vimeo.

Please click HERE to watch Champaign Mayor Deborah Frank Feinen and Urbana Mayor Diane Wolfe Marlin addressing Champaign County’s first death from COVID-19.


Mayor Feinen: Hello, I’m Deb Feinen, Mayor of the City of Champaign.

Mayor Marlin: And I’m Mayor Diane Marlin, From the City of Urbana.

Mayor Feinen: Today, we sadly learned that a resident of Champaign County has passed away from COVID-19. And this is a truly somber day for our community.

Mayor Marlin: On behalf of the Cities of Urbana and Champaign, we extend our deepest condolences to the family and loved ones and we ask that you keep them in your thoughts and in your hearts.

Mayor Feinen: It’s understandable that this news is alarming and leaves many people wondering what may come next. Our community’s resolve is now being tested in a new and challenging way. But our commitment to provide you clear, concise and transparent information regarding the latest COVID-19 information and developments has not changed.

Mayor Marlin: And now, more than ever, we need to be closely following the guidance from the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District. Additionally, we need to be following the Executive Orders from the Governor, especially the stay-at-home mandate, as well as our local Emergency Orders. You must stay home and stay apart when you go out for essential items. And please wear a mask in public.

Mayor Feinen: By staying home, we are not only providing for our own safety, but helping to protect those who are on the front lines and risking their lives to help fight and manage this public health emergency, like our amazing medical professionals, our first responders, and other essential workers. We owe it to them, and so many others, to make sure we are each doing our part to help flatten the curve.

Mayor Marlin: And this responsibility falls on us all. We are proud of the steps we have taken as a community to help reduce exposure and risk, but we must not let up now, and we must continue to put the good of the community ahead of individual interests. Please, continue to practice physical distancing. Do not hoard food, supplies or resources, and when you are able, acknowledge the heroism shown by so many in our community who keep us safe. Please take time to be kind to the people who take care of us.

Mayor Feinen: Today’s news is unsettling and it’s hard to put into words, but we know we have the right people in our community to help us get through this troubling time and to support one another. The days and weeks ahead will not be easy. It is important we rise to any challenge presented to us, together. We encourage you to remain connected with your loved ones, friends, and neighbors during this difficult time.

Mayor Marlin: And the Cities of Urbana and Champaign continue to work with the public health district, and our countywide partners to keep you informed about our coordinated response to this crisis. In the coming days, we will be providing more information about the emergency response framework that has been put into place and the preparations our communities have jointly made. We thank all residents, visitors, and businesses for doing everything you can to help. We truly are all in this together. Thank you.

Mayor Feinen: Thank you.