The Champaign Police Department is currently investigating multiple motor vehicle burglaries involving unknown offenders throughout the city. Many of these burglaries have been crimes of opportunity occurring to unlocked vehicles.
To help prevent future burglaries, the Champaign Police Department would like to remind the community of important prevention tips. Citizens can make a strong impact reducing these crimes of opportunity by locking their car doors, hiding valuables and remaining alert and mindful of their surroundings.
Safety and Prevention Reminders:
‘Lock it, Hide it, Keep it’: Always keep your car doors locked whether you’re away or at home. Remove valuables from plain sight and lock them in your trunk. When home, remove valuables from your vehicle and place them inside your locked residence.
‘See something, Say something’: The majority of arrests for burglary are a result of alert citizens. Call Police if you see a crime or suspicious activity in your neighborhood.
Additional Tips:
- Do not leave vehicles running unoccupied.
- Use auto theft deterrents such as car alarms and “kill switch” devices.
- Do not leave spare keys in your car, even if you keep your doors locked.
- Park in well-lit areas near other vehicles if possible.
- Don’t think your dark tinted windows will hide your valuables. Thieves often use flashlights to see through tint.
- Always be aware of your surroundings.
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