More than 130 people attended the Champaign Community Coalition meeting held April 10, 2019, at the Champaign Public Library. The meeting’s topic was the work of the Coalition’s Race Relations Subcommittee. The meeting featured speaker Kelly Wickham Hurst, who is a National Organizer and Trainer for Crossroads Antiracism Organizing and Training, where she facilitates conversations and learning about anti-racism, critical cultural competency, and anti-bias education. The Coalition also heard a presentation about what area youth have to say about the topic of race. Results of interviews with 85 students from five area high schools were reviewed at the meeting.
The Champaign Community Coalition has previously engaged the community in conversations about race by sponsoring 16 screenings of the film Racial Taboo, which have been attended by more than 1,600 residents.
The Coalition meeting received lots of positive coverage from the local media, including WCIA, Fox Illinois, WAND, and The News-Gazette To learn more about the Champaign Community Coalition, visit or the Coalition’s Facebook page.