CU @ Work, a new litter cleanup program serving the City of Champaign was launched on August 23. This program is a partnership between the City of Champaign Township, the City of Champaign, and CU @ Home, a local homeless service provider. The City of Champaign Township is providing program administration and funding resources, the City’s Neighborhood Service Department Coordination Office has provided use of the Mobile STAR Tool Lending Library, and CU @ Home is providing case management services to homeless individuals participating in the program.
The program is intended to change the perception of members of the local homeless population, and serves to make our already beautiful City even more so. During the pilot phase, the program will operate every Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Participants will meet and end at the Phoenix, a CU @ Home facility. Participants will then receive an orientation before starting cleanup efforts and be provided with lunch after their work has been completed. Each participant is compensated for time worked and is also eligible for case management services.