On Thursday, December 7, approximately 70 residents from the In-Town Neighborhood Association and the Washington Street Neighborhood Association attended a Listening Session at the Champaign Public Library. The purpose of the Listening Session was to hear interests and concerns as they relate to zoning and development regulations for new buildings in the In-Town Zoning Districts. At the session, Rob Kowalski, Assistant Planning and Development Director, gave a presentation on the evolution of the In-Town area as well as an explanation on how the existing zoning districts work. He also provided an overview on the process for making improvements to the In-Town Zoning regulations. Following the presentation, participants engaged in a survey activity where they were asked to note what they liked and disliked about 10 different buildings from the neighborhood. Pictures of those buildings were displayed around the room.
The survey exercise afforded the opportunity for residents to talk to Staff of the Planning and Development Department one-on-one to share their interests and concerns. Council members Alicia Beck (District 2) and Greg Stock (District 4) were also present to speak with constituents. Additional information on the In-Town Zoning Update can be found at www.champaignil.gov/intown.